Artist Statement

My paintings are based on autobiographical environments that include specific objects and figures from my life. These components, rendered in exaggerated splashes of color and texture, form the foundation of the narrative that gets increasingly obscured through the process of painting. Fantasy enters into the paintings and blurs the line between the physical world and the world of my imagination. I use heightened colors and fragment the forms and space in the compositions to enhance the emotional dynamic of the work. Accumulating painted elements simultaneously add to the story and obscure the details already laid down. Layers of memories, emotions, people, and places tell a story through the gesture of painting and the process of remembering and rewriting.  

My background as a printmaker greatly influences my approach to painting. The layering process I’ve adopted in painting as well as my affinity for working on paper tie directly back to my experiences with printmaking.  I have found that crossing mediums leads to moments of joy and discovery as well as moments of critical thinking and questioning which are necessary to evolving as an artist. I want to expand my current body of work by experimenting further with new mediums like film and performance, exploring how the language of painting translates into parallel mediums and broadening the language with which I tell my story.